Descrição: Sound of cartoon slow clarinet staccato fail. Usable in cartoon. Distance: mid. Acoustic: indoor/hall

Descrição: Sound of cartoon. Usable in cartoon clarinet and bassoon creepy steps. Distance: mid. Acoustic: indoor/hall

Descrição: Sound of cartoon sad end - staccato on woodwinds. Usable in cartoon. Distance: mid. Acoustic: indoor/hall

Descrição: Sound of cartoon clarinet lost trill. Usable in cartoon. Distance: mid. Acoustic: indoor/hall

Descrição: sound of cartoon movement - cartoon clarinet roll down. Usable in cartoon, game. Distance: mid. Acoustic: processed

Descrição: Sound of cartoon. Usable in cartoon. Distance: mid. Acoustic: indoor/hall

Descrição: Sound of cartoon appear clarinet trill. Usable in cartoon. Distance: mid. Acoustic: dry

Descrição: Sound of cartoon clarinet tensionUsable in cartoonDistance: midAcoustic: indoor/hall

Descrição: sound recorded by FXProSound. Usable in media, game, foley. Acoustic: processed, envelopped, normalized.

Descrição: sound recorded by FXProSound. Usable in media, game, foley. Acoustic: processed, envelopped, normalized.

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