Descrição: Sound of low short whoosh. Usable in: game, media. Distance: mid close. Acousic: processed

Descrição: Sound of: subsonic sound of underwater explosion. Usable as: foley, game. Distance: distant. Acoustic: processed

Descrição: Sound of slow subsonic whoosh. Usable in: game, media. Distance: mid. Acousic: processed

Descrição: Sound of: slow spooky resonating blaze. Usable as: game, movie. Distance: mid. Acoustic: processed

Descrição: Sound of: long subbass rumble. Usable as: film, game. Distance: mid. Acoustic: processed

Descrição: Sound of: long subsonic trembling rumble. Usable as: foley, film. Distance: distant. Acoustic: processed

Descrição: Sound of: subsonic low rumble loop. Usable as: game, movie. Distance: mid. Acoustic: processed

Descrição: Sound of whoosh deep bass. Usable in: game, media. Distance: mid. Acousic: processed

Descrição: Sound of whoosh - short subbass. Usable in: game, media. Distance:. Acousic: processed

Descrição: sound of movement - low surfacing. usable in foley, game, cartoon. distance: mid. acoustic: processed

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