Descrição: Por favor, aproveite o relaxamento e texturas quentes, sinos de meditação transcendental do Tibete, bacia do canto, coro espiritual, sinos de vento e dinâmicos sentimentos metafísicos. Esta peça tem um espaço arejado meditativo com calmantes serenos gentis baixos e dinâmicos edificantes espirituoso agudos que dão renovação psicológica e uma calma paz interior. Esse scape som de música ambiente é um grande companheiro para o pensamento positivo, voz overs, poesia, meditação, reiki, ioga ou terapia de spa.

Descrição: In perfect spiritual alignment life awakens with ambient synthesizer swells and panning sweeps and the newly awakened harp and voice bioforms speak and grow. Then evolving harmoniously to become one at peace with the universe.

Descrição: Please enjoy the relaxation and peace on a soft cushion of ambiance with synthesizer pads, wind chimes, and a warm orchestral string section. The dynamics awaken the imagination with minimalistic A major chord tones and melodic movement with bells and choir chanting. This piece has a mysterious benevolence that is relaxing and is a great companion for voice overs, science fiction or fact, poetry, positive thinking, meditation, yoga, reike, spa therapy, or anything you can imagine! God's Wisdom the Higher Power of life force energy.

Descrição: Please enjoy the relaxation and peace on a soft cushion of ambiance with synthesizer pads, wind chimes, and a warm orchestral string section. The dynamics awaken the imagination with minimal A major chord tones and melodic movement with bells and choir chanting. This piece has a mysterious benevolence that is relaxing and is a great companion for voice overs, science fiction or fact, poetry, positive thinking, meditation, yoga, reike, spa therapy, or anything you can imagine! God's Wisdom the Higher Power of life force energy.

Descrição: Please enjoy the relaxation and peace on a soft cushion of ambiance with synthesizer pads, wind chimes, and a warm orchestral string section. The dynamics awaken the imagination with minimalistic A major chord tones and melodic movement with bells and choir chanting. This piece has a mysterious benevolence that is relaxing and is a great companion for voice overs, science fiction or fact, poetry, positive thinking, meditation, yoga, reike, spa therapy, or anything you can imagine! God's Wisdom the Higher Power of life force energy.

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