Descrição: Ambient/New Age acoustic guitar song with pad strings, piano, bass guitar, sax and percussion.

Descrição: Uplifting, upbeat, danceable and funny track with organ, flute, trumpets and fast breakbeats. It works extremely well for corporate or commercial uses. It motivates to dance and it conveys a real sense of speed, urgency and running. Shorter version available. Funky, groovy, positive and optimistic

Descrição: Uplifting, upbeat, danceable and funny track with organ, flute, trumpets and fast breakbeats. It works extremely well for corporate or commercial uses. It motivates to dance and it conveys a real sense of speed, urgency and running. Shorter version available. Funky, groovy, positive and optimistic

Descrição: A funky, easy and light instrumental track conceived as incidental music for 60 secs length advertisements. A funky arrangement with bass, funky guitar, sax and organ, in addition to drums and claps. It suits well to underscore positive scenes and messages or promote any personal or family product.

Descrição: Funky Wah Blues Pop Slap Rock Music in style of Red Hot Chilli Peppers and others. Using best plugins for mixing and mastering, including EMI mixer sound.

Descrição: Funky, positive and uplifting pop/rock music track with electric guitars, bass guitar and drums.

Descrição: Exciting and happy funky music. It could fit TV food / cooking show, opening, games, lifestyle. Also it will fit elite sports show (billiards/pool, golf)

Descrição: Much brass instruments, drums very accented. Guitars

Descrição: Funky rock, electric guitar, grooving, attitude, determined, bluesy, southern